Mirth Making: The Rhetorical Discourse of Jesting in Early Modern England Review

Mirth Making: The Rhetorical Discourse of Jesting in Early Modern England
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Mirth Making: The Rhetorical Discourse of Jesting in Early Modern England ReviewChris Holcomb is a fine authority on this complex if entertaining topic. Jest books have tumbled down the cultural ladder since the early Renaissance and so has the art of joking, popular though it is. Once, though, the art of jesting interested Cicero, Castiglione, and Thomas More. Holcomb's book is scholarly but not pedantic. I like to think that he would do well at a dinner party with the three figures I just mentioned. Anne Lake Prescott (Barnard and Columbia)Mirth Making: The Rhetorical Discourse of Jesting in Early Modern England Overview

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